Kemah Wilson
6 min readOct 21, 2020

To: Registered Voters

From: K. Kemah Wilson, Registered Voter

Date: October 18, 2020

Re: Presidential Election 2020

Greetings, I would like to have a word with you, if I may. This message addresses all registered voters. As the nation draws closer to the election, it is impossible not be concerned about the final outcome. It is difficult to comprehend how the United States became so divided that we refuse to acknowledge right from wrong. As far as I can tell, there is not a single member of Congress working for or with the general American public in mind.

What I do see is every one of our elected officials has their own agenda. Instead of focusing on solutions which would serve and protect the rights of all United States citizens, our elected officials are concerned with besting the opposing political party. If Capitol Hill has interest in any citizens at all, it would be to assist and aid those individuals with money power and influence.

Most disturbing is the collective attitude of the Republican constituents insisting on ignoring the obvious. Republicans, I implore you to put aside party loyalty and vote for Biden/Harris on November 3, 2020. I do not choose to vote for Biden because I think he is a better politician. I choose to vote for Biden because he is a better human being. There is no politician, man or woman above reproach. Trump’s attitudes and actions repeatedly and unapologetically show everyone his distain and disregard toward those who dare oppose his authoritative commands. ‘We the people,’ must draw a line with the current administration. Trump must not be allowed to continue as our president.

The list of the President’s transgressions is numerous. How many are legitimate? I refuse to believe the majority of Republican voters are so anti-democratic, they would vote a man who blatantly condones hatred, bigotry and violence (CNN politics,, Globe Post), back into office. Trump denies one group’s ‘right to assemble and express views through peaceful protest’ (, while at the same time defending another group’s ‘right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (Forbes). Trump condones white supremacy (CNN politics), and often uses sexist and demeaning rhetoric towards women (, New York Times, Washington Post). The act of caging underage children, after separating them from their parents is barbaric ( (Children in Cages) by Miriam Sheaffer.

Trump supports and orders, the use of excessive force and control against U.S. citizens (Washington Post. New York Times, AP News, Federal News Network). Trump attacks LGBTQ (USA Today). The elderly feels disenfranchised by the president. Seventy-two year-old retiree, Liz Cillo from St. Petersburg stated, “We’re dispensable. We’re old. I feel he’s [Trump] never shown any empathy or compassion towards us” (U.S. News and World Report, AP News, Interview conducted by Tamara Lush). Trump’s relationship with Russia and Putin (Washington Post,, resulted in the whole Trump impeachment fiasco. The fact that the Senate exonerated Trump with an acquittal does not equate to Trump’s innocence of wrong-doing. Trump’s involvement along with other key members of the Trump administration and staff still remains highly suspicious. The Senate’s obvious reluctance to go to trial is equally suspect.

The final issue I will address is the coronavirus. John Hopkins University & Medicine, a Coronavirus Resource Center, compiled a worldwide morality analysis of confirmed deaths due to the coronavirus. The report provided covered over 160 countries. The data showed the United States rated #11 for the highest confirmed cases as well as case fatalities. released a similar report placing the United States in the top ten.

Voters, I have not addressed issues not previously discussed. I only point out how far down this president has taken us. It is clear the president’s actions show him to be callous and unconcerned with the health and well-being of the United States citizens. I assert, this plea to registered voters does not come from a disgruntled Democrat or ‘a bleeding-heart Liberal. Whichever party Trump aligned himself would not matter. The reality of Trumps misdeed speaks for themselves; As president, Trump’s actions continue to be self-centered, dishonest and irresponsible. As a fellow human being, his behaviors even worse. Cruel, destructive, deprecating and reprehensible do not began to describe his apathetic attitude towards others, Republican or Democrat. Trump is void of the qualities or basic skills to continue as President of the United States. Whether to the American people or his own administration, Trump has proven himself to be unworthy and incapable for office. Trump does not deserve to be voted in for a second term. Trump is a threat to all we hold dear in the United States. Please, do not allow misguided party loyalty or partisanship to dissuade you from voting for what is right and just. A vote for Trump is a vote for bias, hatred, corruption, fraudulence and disloyalty.

America cannot afford another four years of Trump. He must be stop before he takes the country into irreparable damage. It is time to reclaim America before it is to late

The election is only a few short weeks away. Consider carefully what, not who, you are voting for. Please cast your vote against Trump and all he stands for. Please cast your vote against discrimination and disenfranchisement. Please cast your vote against dishonesty, cruelty, and injustice. I realize I am asking a lot. In all honesty I am asking for more than some may be willing to give. Especially, those who are indeed benefiting from this administration. I am not only make this request for myself, but for those individuals who are convinced their voice and more important their vote won’t make a difference.

Voters, we can make a difference. Make this election more about the lives of your fellow Americans, not about political parties, money or power. Those who believe as Trump believes, I am truly sorry. I speak to those who believe in fairest and all humanity. Voters willing to place people over politics. The president has an obligation to be unbiased. Trump is for no one, but Trump. Republicans your loyalty is unwarranted. Ask any one of his former loyal supporters.

‘Joe Walsh, a former congressman and supporter of President Trump,’ was quoted saying, ‘This guy is a disaster for the party and the country‘ (CNN politics, Mr. Walsh was always quoted saying, he wanted to apologize for the role he played in helping “con man Trump” get elected. Other disillusioned Trump supporters: Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer (USA Today). Jennifer Horn, former New Hampshire GOP Chair: My fellow Republicans, Trump does not deserve your loyalty. I write this in hope that Americans who still call themselves Republicans, and plan on voting for Trump, will consider carefully the cost of another Trump presidency to the cost of our children. As a former Republican state party chair, I understand well how difficult it is to even imagine voting outside the party, and I understand the sense of loyalty to party that decades of activist engendered (

“He wantonly tears at the fabric of our democracy without care for the destruction he causes. Cultural divides, racial unrest, economic disparity and constitutional abuse are just tools to be used to feed his narcissism, advance his political ambitions and line is pocket. Our country is suffering under the daily abuses of our own president, and yet, there are still Republicans protecting and enabling him” (

Republicans and undecided voters, if you have not yet read the complete article by Former Republican State Chair, Jennifer Horn, posted October 16 2020, it may be found on

According to research by Dr. Katherine Dunn Tenpas, Nonresident Senior Fellow of Brookings Institution, ‘President Trump’s “A Team” turnover is 91% as of October 7, 2020 ( Ninety-One percent is pretty hard to ignore. If my words are not enough to convince voters of the dire circumstances and consequential conclusion, then perhaps Republicans Horn, Bolton, Walsh, Flynn, Priebus, Kelly, Sessions, Bossert, Tillerson, Mattis, McCabe, Bannon, Allen, Scaramucci, Harvey, Higgins, Spicer, Yates and more can prevail upon you to take this leap of consciousness and vote against Trump by casting your ballot for Biden/Harris on Election Day.

“It is disingenuous for Republicans to suggest they did not recognize how Trump could be. Republican Leaders knew when he nominated him that he was a threat to the norms of self-governance. They knew he was a merciless narcissist, without empathy or compassion. They knew he was corrupt and dishonest.

They chose him anyway” (Jennifer Horn,



K. Kemah Noiles Wilson

Registered Voter

Kemah Wilson

Kemah is a freelance and creative nonfiction writer. Kemah provides positive and insightful copy and content for articles, blogs, social media and websites.