Meet Kemah.

Kemah Wilson
2 min readOct 19, 2020


Creator of Wise Woman Write|Your Words Matter

Hello Writers

My name is Kemah, and I am thrilled to join the medium team of writers. I created Wise Women Write for women who have at least forty-five to fifty years of life experience. It can feel disheartening to move beyond how society view younger women compare to the ‘mature’ woman. Jobs, men, and society at large tend to spurn women once she reaches the age of maturity. Children are at the age when they are considering their own life choices. Preparing to move toward attaining their goals. College. Career. Family. Homes. Travel.

A woman having acheived the goals she set out to accomplish, time moving on may not affect her. This woman may feel successful and content with her life choices, no regrets. However, what about the woman who feels she has not accomplished anything important or significant? The woman who as an unfulfilled goal, a dormant dream, she wants to reawaken?

There are a multitudes of reasons a woman may feel dissatisfied, desiring more. I am not suggesting the majority of women are unhappy, discontent, or somehow missed out. Nor am I suggesting that all women feel the best years of her life are behind her. What I am saying is the closer I came to fifty, the more I realized (felt) time was running out. Welling meaning friends would tell me fifty is not old. “Your as young as you feel.” Whoever coined that phrase, my body tells a different story. Let’s face it, I may not be old, but, I am not young either.

My desire is to persuade you to share the wisdom you garnered over the years. What is important to you today? Is there something you want to accomplish? Are there changes you would like to see in your life? Even if your significant relationship is going well, or you are working at a job you love, and retirement is great, tell us about it.

I hope women reading this post will be compelled to contribute their own points of view. I want to know about what matters to you. What you are passionate about today. Writing is clarity. Writing is purpose. Writing is connection. Writing is freedom. Writing is healing.

Women claim your voice, today. What you say matters.



Kemah Wilson

Kemah is a freelance and creative nonfiction writer. Kemah provides positive and insightful copy and content for articles, blogs, social media and websites.